Dallas Portrait Photographer

Proof Books

proof books

If you prefer to have hard copies of your proofs in addition to having them online, our proof books are the perfect solution. Your proof book will have all the pictures from your online gallery. Each page holds 6 to 12 pictures per page, depending on the number of proofs. The book is 8.5" wide by 11" high. It is a spiral bound book with a photo cover.

Price per book: $150

(The price includes cover design)

coffee table books

Our high-end coffee table books make the perfect gift. They are also great when you want more prints than you have room to hang on your walls. The base book comes with 10 double sided pages. You can choose 20 or more pictures for the book. Additional pages can also be added. The hinged paper we use allow the book to lay flat when opened. You can choose between a leather or a photo cover. The dimension of the book is 8.5" high x 11" wide.

10 page (double sided) book: $325

Each additional page (double sided): $30

(Cover and book design services are included in the price)

Coffee Table Books
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